If you want to check online journals, you need to access them from the university network.
How to browse online journals
It is available to check electronic journals contracted by the university from PCs and smartphones connected to the campus network. (You can read dissertations on the Internet).
The list of journals contracted https://sfx9.usaco.co.jp/nagoya/az/?lang=eng
<E-Journal> https://www.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ej/ej_annai_e.html
Using from outside the campus, such as at home
Link from OPAC
If the booklet is in the library, you can also access the link for the e-journal from the OPAC search results.
If you have any trouble using
You can contact the Reference and Interlibrary Loan Desk, the library, or the Support Desk on the 2nd floor of the Central Library (3 pm to 7 pm on weekdays).
--> I want to ask a librarian: inquiry for use & reference
--> (Central Library) I want to ask a student support staff: an inquiry about the study