Questions about use
access, borrowing, returning, facilities, etc.
- I want to borrow a book.
- I want to check what books I borrowed.
- I want to reserve a book on loan.
- Can I use the department or graduate school library to which I don't belong?
- How many books can I borrow?
- I don't know how to find library resources.
- I want to return a book.
- Can I request to purchase a book?
- I want to photocopy library books.
- I want to find an article.
- I want to know how to use unloanable books.
- I want to read a book in laboratory.
- I want to know the operating hours and how to use the library’s services.
- Is it possible to renew (extend) the loan period?
- What is ILL? (Interlibrary loan/ document delivery)
- I am a student of Gifu University and have a library card from the Central Library. Can I use it for other libraries than for the Central Library?